
Sir Alec Guinness' Hitler has cabbies hopping

by Earl Wilson London "Hitler will see you at noon," a woman's voice said.

"Ah, how sweet that message would have been 28 years ago!" I thought as I hung up the phone. Just when he was tottering, it would have been a great


your mustache,” I said. “It must be the only one in the world like it."

"I don't know who else would want it." He was very grave for he is always serious

"But don't you cringe a little from doing this part?" I asked. "It is not a very nice man you are playing. Not that it isn't a privilege "Oh, no! I thought it was to see Sir Alec Guinness... a marvelous idea — and I


and in about an hour I saw his mustache preceding him, and his black glasses, and a cowlick falling over one eye, and a Kleenex around his shirt collar protecting it against the makeup, and everybody very hushed and respectful, for most of the moments are very tense as he portrays Der Fuehrer in "Hitler His Last 10 Days."

"He works so hard-he chokes down his lunch in  ́about 15 minutes... but if we're lucky. the girl

· said.

The resemblance-due to the ridiculous mustache and the hair falling over his right! eye-was shocking. He ev en had the stooped-shouldered look that's associated with Hitler as he walked over. "Congratulations on

also think it's important to remind the world that these things can happen."

"You can't make him sympathetic?"

"No, but I would like to show that he was a human being, not just some strange devil that came up from under the ground. There is something pathetic about anybody who falls from power, or the crumbling of an empire."

It was the hardest work, he said, he's ever done; he talks about 11⁄2 hours, in English of course; he is portraying Hitler at the endwhen be and Eva Braun are

That was just a wartime rumor.

Sir Alec gauges public interest in his projects by the comments of cab drivers.

deciding to marry and then mentally incapable?” trying to decide how to com"I'm not sure about the mit suicide. All this is in mental decline. He was taktheir bunker while they are ing those pep pills and when living luxuriously, oblivious they wore off, he took more. to the fact or unwilling to He was 56 but he was It's considerable in London accept that the war has been stooped and old and sort of -due to the mustache he lost. Eva Braun bites the washed up. He didn't smoke, grew himself. One cab drivdeath pill and Hitler shoots he probably had a sip of er unloaded him, then folhimself. Guinness meanchampagne on his wedding lowed him for a block and while is constantly learning night, he was a vegetarian, returned to say, "You are an new things about Hitler. he was puritantical in many actor, aren't you?" Another "My poor wife is getting ways, except that he lived one said as Sir Alec reached so sick of hearing more and with his girl friend Eva for money, "You going to more about Hitler," he said Braun for many years." solemnly.

"Do you show that he was

"What of the rumors that he was homosexual?” "Oh, that wasn't true!

pay me in Deutschemarks?"